Not cool anymore When do you think the current version of "clubbing" will be deemed by perhaps our children as being not cool anymore rather like showbands and 1970's disco's? Peter Kay may have a point, "dad why are you playing that old tune on a cd for!!!" "son, thats for an angel by paul van dyke,now hush up boy"
thats one of the things you cant really predict. it just happens, and when it does, we'll no doubt all feel suitably old.
Re: Not cool anymore Depends really cos what were into aint main stream so IMO when everyone else catches on to our music if it ever happens it will become mainstream (but i'm sure by that time we will of found sumthing else) so if u have kids now your they should be listening to our version of good music!!! Look @ Flip n fill 4 example If u get what i'm trying to get a cross
cool.. so does that mean that when we're 50 we get to dress up in cyber and go to late 90's revival nights, the way our parents dress up in seventies gear? class, 50yr olds boshed off their tits, dancing to a 70 yr old tiesto on a zimmer