No Purchase Necessary Will someone please explain to me why on some food wrappers where they have competitions running on them, it clearly states no purchase is necessary to win. Im alittle confused. To stand any chance of winning, you usually have to open the packets up of whatever it is to find whatever is inside them that makes you a winner. So does this mean you can go raid a shop, opening and shifting through all the packets until youve got what you're looking for then put it back. It does say no puchase is necessary!
its a legal thing. the competition has to be open to everyone or something. if u ring/write to the company with your details, they will open a packet on your behalf. no shit...
One that I often wonder at is the, "no added sugar". No added sugar to what...the massive amount thats already in there? :spangled:
or the 99% fat free things advertised.. i mean..they get rid of 99%,why cant they get rid of that extra 1%
What pisses me off is the use of the word 'FREE'! The High St has so much FREE stuff I am surprised people need money! The only things I class as free are when I get something & no money has left my hand to get it.
if you want REAL free stuff, just put your name and address into these sites and they will give you free stuff, i guarantee, ive had teabags, hair gel, shampoo, dog treats, oil control creme, posters, mouse mats, car stickers, coffee, vitamin drinks, herbal remedies, moisturiser, bubble bath, lipstick, bottle, magnet - fucking everything, but only the newer ones tend to work free stuff
i am also a member try as well ive had - vitamins, drinks tokens for yates BONSA! (think i got about 10 free pints with it erm... a rugby ball shaped stress ball... loadsa hair gels/shampoos/shaving foams... that kinda shit... mouse mat (was shit, but hey) erm... snazzy parker pen... all kinds of junk tis nice gettin freebies tho it means ur signed up to EVEN more junk mail than u usual, but it can be worthwhile oh yeah, i got the craig david 'born to do it' album for free as well
just wait till all the shit comes its mint, except, when i went on for the firt time i just signed up for everything, and ended up getting some lubricant, which i opened and left on the dining room table, no wonder i got funny looks for the rest of the day.