nice... im thinkin about goin to nice in a few weeks... has ne1 ever been? are there loads of shermans?
good nite!!!!!! me nd mates used to go alot!! not as good now its at the playrooms but rockshots couldnt live 4eva!! neva mind till good and nee shermans!!!
i just didnt enjoy myself there at all. sound system wasnt very good. looks dead tacky inside too. a bit half hearted somehow. just my opinion tho.
rachel auburn. was very disapointed. maybe i picked a bad night to go. and ive only been once so i take back my previous statement about it bein total shite. the night i went was shite.
didnt she end up playin funky??? i love nice but ian shepard played billie Jean for 3 months straight and i got bored so stopped goin!!!
she certainly didnt play hard. and ian shepperd didnt even bother tryin to mix half the time. he was on some tunes but mostly didnt bother which puzzld me greatly. :spangled:
when i went it wasnt very nice (no pun intended, well, maybe a little one) but that was the same night as el mcracker! maybe just coz it was in the play rooms, it was good at rockshots, but IMO the play rooms is scutty (is that a word? tis now )
what about that judge jules halloween night he played at? did anyone enjoy iains set then? and what do people think of that halloween night??
Nice When they 1st moved to The Playrooms it was 2 big but now upstairs has both rooms the place has a 'Shots feel' to it. Regards The Spence PS ITS NICE TO BE IMPORTANT MORE IMPORTANT TO BE NICE
it does have that rockshots feel to it now its upstairs, but i just dont like the play rooms. spence....ure very nice...ive noticed in all ure posts
I thought Shep played a more banging set than usual @ the Uni. I thought the Halloween night was the best midweek event since the old Sugar Shacks in The City.I was in classic arena as they were playing ALL THE TUNES I spoke to Iain on Saturday and he thinking of putting another night on @ Teeside Uni.