Here is a battle cry :- Right, gloves off.. "No cathedral, no brewery, no cinema, no airport, no soul,no passion, nofuture, no money, no hope."
Rumour has it that Sunderland have been offering fans who have purchased anything on the website tickets for the match tomorrow ! Its not looking good like coz i know a bloke at work got a phone call the other day as he's a season ticket holder, anyways they rang and offered him 4 more tickets "Sell all ya tickets ya couldnt sell all ya tickets"
WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO TODAY? Stroll along mile after mile of glorious golden sand, picking out boats on the horizon? Get on your bike and take in wooded hills and rippling fields? Get back to nature or explore the area's rich history? Sunderland, the city by the sea, can offer you all this and more, nestled as it is between countryside and coast. Leave the city centre and within minutes a whole new world of possibilities lies at your feet, whether you're walking, cycling or driving... thanks.