Nice to meet you!!! Hi just want to say nice to meet you glitter(already kinda knew you), Doggie(wheres my cd???), si(i think she has nice tits), Crasherbiatch(thanks for the sweetie), Allie(potential mixing mod), Chris(mr talkative), Smartie(highly over exited), crasherkid(interesting finger dancing), Spud(dead canny), Batfink(I still dont have my vinyl) Oh and miss T() Im sure there was more and it was nice to meet u all!!! The night was class and the music was better just a shame i wasnt in a better mood!!!
Yer after a silly amount of drinks and a bit of dancing the night got a lot better!!! Shame promise wasnt open till 4 tho!!!!
Re: Re: Re: Nice to meet you!!! do you realise how stupid you look in general??? p.s. could your bring that money to uni tomorrow.. i spent 120 quid yesterday getting pissed & goin out for a meal with katy so i'm skint & hungover
lol 'twas nice to meet you. I knew I'd met ya, but couldn't remember who the hell you were on here. Don't think I saw you at all downstairs, mind, only upstairs. Still, hope you had a gd night! I know I did!
Re: Nice to meet you!!! nice meeting ya meet - thats the first time I've ever been called over excited... I'm usually descirbed as a shy intraverted manic depresive