Nexus Travelshops i live in killy wheres the nearest shop?? need to pay a penalty an aint got a clue where they are That reminds me, my metro pass needs renewing this week.. there goes another £150 or something.
Fuck right off, that's only if you don't pay the fine and I did one time and talked my way out of it the other time.. I wouldn't dare go to court over it, I know loads of people involved with court and I'd never live it down.
not been caught fair dodging on it yet but had a couple of close ones - i remember one day i bailed at four lane ends and i spotted more on the platform when i got off so i had to walk back to central station in the pissing rain, took me fucking hours
i havent got a clue where to go to from four lane ends to find longbenton station and when i got to jesmond there was no point i just carried on to the civic centre considering i was soaking and still had a 40 min train ride to hexham it may have been easier to get a £10 fine hindsight eh
Just completely raged at them. It was the day after my pass expired and I knew fine well I had to get a ticket, had the exact change ready but neither of the machines were working. The train turned up and I wasn't about to miss it and be late for work while I climbed over to the other side to get a ticket.. sure enough, inspectors at Haymarket stopped me and started writing out the thing for the fine, but as a whole bunch of people had the same story they just made me by a ticket while they watched.