Next Level Bosh - mixed by eddie halliwell Bought this months mixmag cause i saw this on the front. Usually wouldnt listen to cartoon music - but this gets better with every listen Deffo looking forward to hearing this kind of stuff being pumped down my ears at high volume at the end of the month.
Didn't have the instant impact of the original BOSH, but I have grown to like this CD a little bit more everytime I play it.
IMO Didn’t like the cd at first as it was a bit too obvious, I like some of the tunes and mixing on the cd but its no-where near as good as the first one, the first one was fully mixed on decks and this one had studio help which is a shame. Eddie can be class at times but this cd does not prove that
whats the crack there then - thought the cd cover said are cds are not mixed by computers which I thought would also mean no studio put ins? Good cd tho - don't know bout the techno at the start tho - think he said Boomerang was the tune that divides the trance and the techno/harder music from each other!?
First time i listened to it a few days ago i thought it was typical Halliwell "all over the shop" style - just a load of tunes cut together.... ... wierd though because it keeps getting better with each successive listen - Kind of like my old rave tapes back in 1992 where you would remember where the mix points where and listen out for them etc etc. wierd cause trance is usually the opposite... gets worse with each successive listen. Still though - its worth buying the magazine for the CD on the front.
It says in the magasine somewhere that he finished it off in the studio. Fuck knows but the first Bosh is much better.
I never did get a listen to that ... Orbit kept banging on about it for months and months but never got around to loaning me it. Might have to see if its on soulseek or summit.
as mentioned above i tend to enjoy this cd more the more times i play it. some good tunes, not all up my street like but tis quite random.
Very poor i think, his mixing on some parts a shite, tune selection's perfect up untill dreamland, and then it just goes down hill!!, don't get me wrong i love dreamland but dont know what he was thinking putting a tune thats been caned and done, on a new mix cd and right in the middle of a brilliant techno cd................... or thats what i thought up untill then!!!! BOSH will never be beaten!!!