Next Bond Villain!?! I would like to nominate extremist cleric and Arsenal supporter Abu Hamza as the next Bond villain. With his claw hand and missing eye, he would look great as a baddy, and as a climax to the film, the dome roof of the Finsbury Park mosque could open to reveal a giant laser gun that harnessed the power of the suns rays!! (from the latest Viz) On a serious note, who do you think would play a good Bond villain?
He should of been thrown out the UK a long long time ago ! He says this n that and if it was anyone else there would be fucking hell on ! Whats crack with him now - has he retd to Egpyt yet ??
sorta seems quite logical at moment, but Mr Bin Laden, and he could use his turban (or even beard) for maximum devistation, although he is an arab, and they stink, so maybes thats another "secret" weapon of his...
Surely it would make good sense to simply nuke the Middle East. Then all the sand would turn to dunes of glass that you could ski on, providing you lined your skis with velvet. And you could find oil by just wondering around looking down.