news on portugal Portugal kicked out of World Cup! BBC News Flash Chicca-Babe-MHL Subject: BBC Newsflash It's alleged that one of the Portuguese football players failed a drugs and alcohol test after the match. If this is confirmed as positive, under World Football Federation rules, paragraph 6 sub section 2e, Portugal will forfeit the quarter final match and England will play France in the Semi Final which will be postponed till tomorrow. See below for the full transcript of this report. Carlsberg do not post in forums, but if they did they would probably be the best posts in the world. This made me laugh! Reply Quote
hahah lmao fair play ronaldo was a twat on sat but we would not have won either like tbf the way bbc were talking you think he was hitler
Still think portugal should have been playing in flippers and wet suits, the ammount of diving they've been doing in this world cup!