NEWER Dark Knight Trailer Here you go, i hope it's really dark - but i reckon by the looks of this trailer, it's probably not going to be... [yt]WaIR9dAZRR0[/yt]
Looks the business like!! And for the record it looks like this, and the last one, piss all over the originals!!!
No way (imo) does Batman Begins piss on Tim Burtons Batman or Batman Returns. Tonally Begins is not even a Batman film, it looks shit with it's amber hues and downtown Chicago architecture. I'm the only person I know who actually hates Batman Begins.
i like begins, but for it's fight scenes and real life action - rather than loads of CGI. However, the original batman with nicholson and keaton was 1 of my fav films when i was a kid - love it. saw it the other night , the action is a bit dated but burton's styling is still top class
my fav in begins, where he chucks that 'bat attracting device' down the stair well, then jumps down surrounded by the bats - visually a stunning scene, dead moody - i like bale
Batman begins is as good as the original film. not necessarily better. its better in parts But the original has a good darkness about gotham. begins is a bit like the crow or something i reckon