New York what's the cheapest sites to book from?? Am I better off getting flights & hotel seperate??? ta
Re: New York yeah your always on holiday fancy taking me this time. I'll pretend i'm your boyfriend for the week so you can look cool on holiday.
You're not bloody skint at all. I'm skint. I could barely afford to go camping for a weekend. The joys of having a house to throw endess amounts of money at When will it ever end? Went to buy a carpet tonight and Storey's quote me £300 for their cheapest carpet for my spare room. It's daylight robbery
The floor boards are nearly all broken. There's bits missing all over the place. And it would take a hell of a lot of sanding. Just had the room plastered and I think the lads that did it thought I wanted the floor plastered aswell
i kind of am...but that's cos i'd rather not piss my spare dosh up the wall & would rather look back at holiday pics than be able to say i did nowt.. i know you're proper skint atm...tis the house that jacks evil twin built
And we've still got loads to do aswell. The kitchen's next. That'll be a killer. Looking forward to getting a new mortgage and being £200 month better off so we can afford to do stuff for once
that'll b nice...even i i didn't go on hol i'd not b able to afford to move out... going away gives me a break from the rents
It's quite depressing to think of how much money we have coming in every month and the things we could do if we didn't have our own place. I'd be on holiday more than you!
New Yorks fucking shit For the cheapest possible NY deal fly from Manc and stay in New Jersey (probs better to fly to new jersey not JFK) its only a short tube ride away from down town Manhatten. Stick with the whites and hispanics those blacks have longer memorys than the jews
I'd rather have no money at all than still living with my parents though Would be good having someone else to do housework though