New Years Resolutions? Anyone make any this year & more importantly are they still going after the first week of 2009? Mine are to block out gambling completely & to get a bit travelling done (hence Thailand & Oz from April onwards). Looking forward to 2009 after a few shitty years & hopefully getting Beat Therapy back on the map before I go away.
i dont make them simply because i always break them. however i've said to myself that i'd start going back to the gym, but that was the plan since christmas/new year/socially acceptable alcoholism is over. just started back on monday for the first time in a few month, and you can tell a shitload of people have joined up for there resolutions, fucking packed to the rafters! I give it a month max before they cancel their debits
I haven't had a drink or a cigarette since New Years day... not really a resolution though, more because my body's in need of a rest and I'm skint.
Mine is to start my driving lessons. I've sent off my forms for a provosional thats a start!
Stop going out as much and concentrate on career and uni theres no point in saying to quit smoking, drink etc as I know I will break it