new tunes for tw3... want to get some new hh/ht tunes for tw3 but don't have time/can't be arsed to listen to loads of shit to find any good uns, so any1 got any suggestions of good stuff round @ the mo?
Anne Savage - Four leaf clover Neon Lights - Your not alone Simulator - Scream You playing at tw3 like?????
not quite mate... jus thinkin of takin my dex down... not sure tho cos ive heard peeps say there have been breakins, altho they r covered by insurance so they prob will come... only 3 days 2 go!!? HOWEXCITED??!
hi, this is iamian on johnty's thing... deff mate...but not the jus bangbangbang kind... gotta have some melody... like marco v an stuff like that... gonna go record shopping weds/thurs i think... thanx