New Processor which one? would any of u techs recommend? Am rebuilding my comp, which is currently a 1.7ghz. Want something faster. but not over the top price wise.
Probably a A64 3000 "venice" or if you have a bit more ca$h then a A64 3500 "winchester". The A64 3700 "San Diego" chips are also v nice. Might wanna wait b4 upgradin mb cos ATI are introducing xfire soon.. and SLI/xfire is the way foreward!
If I remember correctly they used to run quite hot.. Seriously A64s are the way forward.. Unless you can afford Dual-cores.. in which case either a x2 or a 830 core p4 would be nice.. Try looking on OCUK. They might have something nice on This page The 3200 Venice OEM looks good for less than £100..
Outta the two I'd go for the 3500 if you can afford it.. Check out the forums on there too.. I've heard loadsa good reports about 3500 winnies.. Also get 100 posts on their forums and u can access the members markets.. where you can pick up loadsa good clocking gear on the cheap