New PR Manager at NE1? Have a look at this You can reckon stuff like this, and the open training day, and Glenn Roeder doing a fan's Q&A session on the net etc. is coming from Roeder trying to get ing with the fans and make his mark, or is there a new PR manager at the club? They can't be Fred Sheperd's ideas surely. Either way, they're going up in my estimation.
Re: New PR Manager at NE1? the scarf thing was shearer's idea for the testimonial and it was such a success that i reckon they have decided to try and keep it going. (i do think it may have been shepard's idea to this on saturday) the Q&A thing has been done before, souness did it twice and shearer did it when he finished. the open day, now i think that is soemthing which highlights the current plight of the club. they haven't been able to boost the coffers with success on the pitch so they recognise they must strengthen other revenue areas, i.e getting kids in to spend their parents' money, raising the club profile, securing the new generation of fans to inflict pain on etc
we used to have open trainig days all the time i remeber going over to the durham tarioning ground and there were 3500 people watching training getting autographs , spending money on club merchendise . If the teamn brings back the excitement factor the revenues will go up , season tickets will be back to sell outs , 5 years ago we had a waiting list for season tickets but the droiss served up over the past three seasons has seen people realise weve stalled in our progress and we need a good season this season imo to bring back the noise in st james's ala sheares testimonial what an atmosphere we used to get that every week now its like going to a fucking funeral .... Passion, excitement , a team to be proud of thats what we all want hopefully we can get it . but it all depends on who we sighn between now an august 31st
my boyfriend works there, that is 100% true though I'm surprised the other didn't come off cos it was from quite a high person there
I went on the stadium tour last sat and was suprised by the large number of people on the tour. they must be raking the cash in there was about 50 people on my tour and they do it twice a day. at £10 a head then the increased revenue in the club shop and big al's bar not bad ehh:beer: :drunk: :sick:
Re: New PR Manager at NE1? Looks like our scarf plans have been about as efficient as our striker plans: