New Bugged Out Album Any one else bougth it yet, mine arrived thismorning and i listened to most of the first CD on the way to work, awesome electro hope the second CD is as good. Felix Da House Cat=
Re: Re: Re: New Bugged Out Album thought he was making reference to a particular track not the DJ. SORRY
Re: Re: Re: Re: New Bugged Out Album he might be dood but i would guess felix. i aint heard it or anything tho
this album is the dogs bollocks! dont listen to anything like it when i go out, that why i thinik i like it so much! its something different which is really good! will be purchasing it soon enuff. might even have a vebnture to shindig one sat night i havent been for fuckin ages!
I thought Bugged Out did technoey stuff.. at least that was what I always thought. Or by electro do you mean everything under that genre including techno? I'm lost
The Bugged Out! sound covers everything from Deep House to Techno. Felix is Felix I suppose, electro-y techno-y House, although I aint heard this album
Listened to the second CD now, not as good as the firs but still cool. Its more housey and 80's popie stuff (I think)