new book is it... cosmic trigger

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by tizza2k, Oct 30, 2008.

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  1. tizza2k

    tizza2k Watch this ere.

    Oct 22, 2004
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    new book is it... cosmic trigger

    anyone read this ?

    cosmic trigger.

    "Cosmic Trigger" takes you where no man has been before. Wilson carries the unsuspecting reader through a maze of theories and experiences which will leave you wondering for a long, long time. His engenious style can scare the living daylights out of you at one time, and leave you hollering from laughter shortly after. A definate must-read for everyone interested in changing their life, and, believe me, Cosmic Trigger will!

    The cosmic trigger has been in my life for about three years now, sometimes I think if I had never read it I would feel that my soul is lost. Robert Anton Wilson is the best writer I have read today and everyday after that!

    Cosmic Trigger Vol 1 is one of the best pieces ive ever read. R.A.W. is pure genius in all of his books, this one covers a billion topics and leaves you stunned. The author has a way of putting into writing everything you never knew you wanted to say.

    Most philsophers have known, at least since around 500 B.C., that the world perceived by our senses is not "the real world" but a construct we create -- our own private work of art. Modern science began with Galileo's demonstration that color is not "in" objects but "in" the interaction of our senses with objects. Despite this philosophic and scientific knowledge of neurological relativity, which has been more clearly demonstrated with each major advance in instrumentation, we still, due to language, think that behind the flowing, meandering, inter-acting, evolving universe created by perception is one solid monolithic "reality" hard and crisply outlined as an iron bar.

    Quantum physics has undermined that Platonic iron-bar "reality" by showing that it makes more sense scientifically to talk only of the inter-actions we actually experience (our operations in the laboratory) ; and perception psychology has undermined the Platonic "reality" by showing that assuming it exists leads to hopeless contradictions in explaining how we actually perceive that a hippopotamus is not a symphony orchestra.

    The only "realities" (plural) that we actually experience and can talk meaningfully about are perceived realities, experienced realities, existential realities -- realities involving ourselves as editors -- and they are all relative to the observer, fluctuating, evolving, capable of being magnified and enriched, moving from low resolution to hi-fi, and do not fit together like the pieces of a jig-saw into one single Reality with a capital R. Rather, they cast illumination upon one another by contrast, like the paintings in a large museum, or the different symphonic styles of Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, and Mahler

    most of yas wont be interested ina book like this...

    stick to autobiographies.
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. Pierre


    Mar 13, 2006
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    Gateshead Ghetto

    So then why post you fucking bell end:dunce:
  4. tizza2k

    tizza2k Watch this ere.

    Oct 22, 2004
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    part of my reality isnt it.
  5. Pierre


    Mar 13, 2006
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    Gateshead Ghetto

    I dont know what the fuck your on about kidda you just keep taking them special pills ya mam puts in ya tea :D

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