New Badge Makers! here ya go, the badge makers are finished. it comes in two flavours this time, BLUE and PINK HOWEVER - READ THIS FIRST BASIC OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE DUMB OR IMPATIENT click the colour above you want - wait for the page to load, type the name you want printed on the card into the box and click on type text - do not press enter. then press print. et voila. and im gonna answer a few questions before i get asked them: before anyone asks - no the text cant be white, as for reasons it just cant, ok? if the text prints 'out of place' then ur text size is not set to medium - this is needed. to change text size: view - text size - and click on medium, and then it should work. any other problems, let me know - but dont ask me something ive answered here :evil: Enjoy *takes a bow* :groovy:
*RAGE* :evil: :evil: :evil: i cant be bothered to explain, i figured out what the problem was, but i didnt have the time to fix it.
if u want white text, tippex it in after its printed off! *claps spud again* can i still do myself one to go with my outfit (im coming now btw, im gonna have random hair with brown roots instead of blue and pink hair soi i can afford promise )