Nevermind the buzzcocks THIS is the best place for general chat! Whats happened to this show? Mark Lemarr has disappeared up his own, ego fuelled arse and they've constantly got crap guests on. if it wasn't for Bill Bailey it'd be shite. it's gone the way of 'They think it's all over'.... thank god for 'have i got news for you' repeats on UKGold! ... check out the discography! :clap:
The whole thing felt like they were doing it off a script to me, ... very formulaic. Chin stroking 'rock' fans who go to gigs also - HISSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!! (Vampire Impression)
Re: Re: Nevermind the buzzcocks no. buzzcocks is music related. you go back to smoozing with the kids and trying to be young again, eh old man.