never after last nites mess im never touching ket agen, was proppa sick off it last neet after a few of us went 2 marcs and started demolishing a few grams, i didnt know what was happening i was moving about and sinking and pretty freaked out and can honestly say i dont wanna do that agen not my thing at all may be for others just not me
If you've move your way through a few grams of ket you can only expect to sink into the floor/walls/ceilings e.t.c
Re: never a bad work man allways blames his tool's ket is the marmite of the drug world mate you either love it or hate it
hahaha everybody who has done k has a bad story or two to tell. Looks like this is your first. It wasn't your last time. You live you learn.
I was undecided for ages until two experiences. 1. someone off this board made me do a 'half g cruiser' (I felt like some kind of cross universe ket warrior) and 2. I got absolutely nailed on the stuff in ibiza. I mean I did like it, it just makes me feel a bit dysphoric sometimes and it put me off. Then after witnessing my balcony crash into the sea multiple times and me surfing "waves of ket" through the trees on the hills at the far reaches of San Antonio I thought I'd better re-evaluate. The word amazing was very apt.
fkn ket man dirty dirty drug dnt touch the stuff now :evil: :evil: :evil: Just thought I'd get that in before someone else does.
most people who say this have never tried it and when they do they love it !! allways makes me laugh that
Many many a time i have fucked up off it being too pissed - its one or the other like but saying that pills kick ya fucking dial off as well when ya mortal cos of the de-hydration. I fucked off big style in Prague last weekend in the first bar of our night time of the lash - wasnt nice at all....
Damn it. Rossy, you're turning into my nemesis Always one step ahead... I'd like to also add 'catch AIDS' to my to-do list.