Networked Web FPS - COME JOIN IN! Well done Moi for this : Go to network, (you may have to read the instructions!) as a client, look for the promisealways Server - password= promisealways COME JOIN THE FUN!
on th network properties, make sure your network mode is 'client' i'll take the password off. double click on the 'promisealways' server , it should try connect
i think it's me super-tight uni firewall... try connecting to one of the others, with space - if it works - its defo me - i can't connect to any of them that would have kept me busy over the summer
its being picky with the others too... so it might be me. i was looking forward to whooping some mos ass
Re: Networked Web FPS - COME JOIN IN! No prooblems il have to practise a bit before i have a game with you lot