Need a new burner... recommendations My burners on the verge of death after 7 years good service so im after a new one. I haven't kept upto date with geek land for a few years so I havent a clue what makes/models to go for. Should I get a CDR/DVDR or just CDR? does it matter? Best makes? Advice please.
Re: Re: Pioneer... Yup! DVR 108. Dual format, Dual Layer, 16X speed write (onces the disks are everywhere) - Can't be beat! All for about 50 beans!!
Bunsen Burner invented by Wilhelm Bunsen in the early 1900's normally does the damage for me like. Prodigy once used this to burn firestarter
according to here : End of Jan/Early Feb. Might be a few bucks more expensive like... dunno if it's worth waiting just for the higher burn speeds. not much REAL change - just a bit faster. Dual Layer is what it's all about!!!