Need a 'lil Help Plz Ppl! Alrite there! Just realised this chuffin hard disk is about to collapse on me Cans end it back to manufacturer but gonna take upto 6 weeks for em to return it Sooooooooo.....was wondering if anyone had a spare hard disk lying about that a cud borrow until a get this one fixed n returned back ??? Anything will do as long as it works Cheers folks! Bri.
Re: Re: Need a 'lil Help Plz Ppl! Nah tis "Nikimi" mate. Think its just a rebadged western digital. Seemed fine to start with - now tis just fooked. System keeps freezing at random points......wen its trying to access certain points of the HDD. Me next step is to grab summit like Partition Magic and hopefully i may be able to re-partition around the bad sectors..... Dont hold much hope like.................
Re: Re: Re: Re: Need a 'lil Help Plz Ppl! You aint wrong m8!!!!!! Know im fighting a losing battle....dont even know why Im bothering!!! Once a disk starts to go its time to say goodbye as there's no saving it!! Might just send this one off and go buy another one in the meantime....uou can never have enuff space I s'pose.........
i need some help 2... when i came on promise board the writing is massive and on other sites its just usual....