Naughty night tonight!! Dont Forget! Ness's Naughty Birthday Special with TechnoOrgasm (all those that attend are invited back to his after parteee) @Egypt Cottage tonite - Sat 15th March 7-midnight entry - 2 quid djs: Ness : 7-8.15 Marty V : 8.15-9.30 Fizz n Mik X B2B : 9.30 - midnight
i need to find someone to go with... *sob* i could get there, come along to the party... and then i would probably be walking home and thats not a walk i want to do
i mite be able to come along... but if i come along to ness's erm, i dont really even know how to get home from there :spangled: im tryin to find ANYONE to come with me...
Think of that when the time comes mate! unfortuneatly I'am a little to far away to attend, other wise i would! But have a good one!