Nasty rash!!! Help me please!! I had to borrow some clothes off my mate yesterday cos I stayed at hers and didnt fancy going home in my hotpants. Thing is, Ive had a well bad allergic reaction to her bloody washing powder and now have a really bad sunburn type rash all over my body. It feels like Im on fire!! Anyway know of anything that'll help it feel better???
what about that pink stuff you get that you put on with cotton wool? umm... it'll really settle it down
I take it u mean calomine lotion. Dont think I'll look to great with that all over me. The big problem is that Im at work tonight so that one isnt an option im afraid! ARGHHHHHH!!!!!!
So do I! It burns like hell!!!!!!!!! Maybe it wasnt washing powder that Im allergic to. Maybe it was Clarki!!!!
emm calomine lotion i think that pink stuff is i've had few rashes and used well with rashes
take an antihistemine for starters.....sum1 you now must have sum left over from a hayfevery summer. any allergic reacions i have, i eat an antihistemine and it generally stops the itching, then i use a steroid cream to sooth the red rash...but im guesing you wont hae ne of that. i just went home in my hotpants and tiny top...werent *that* cold at 8am!
Re: Nasty rash!!! with some miner deleting i have uncovered the real reason for your discomfort! that body powder is baaaaad shit. the only cure is a cheesegrater liberally rubbed all over.
I do have antihistamine tablets cos Ive got hayfever. I took some and they did work eventually. Just hope it doesnt come back again!!
ive got friction burn again on the inside of my legs like i got from sundiss... damn.. plus ive killed one of my fingers again with my glowstix
ive told the biatch to be gentle with you hun, but she just wont listen!!! im sorry, i did try, but i s'pose she just likes being too rough