Nasty horrible things Right, ran a housecall full system scan tonight and it found 4 vulnerabilities It listed them as High risk (red cross) They are: MS05-016 MS05-018 MS05-019 MS05-020 When i clicked on how to fix the page could not be displayed After reading the spiel that came along with it, it appears i've caught them whilst using IE (i now use firefox) Couldnt copy/paste the full spiel and would have taken yonks to type out so i hope this is enough info HELP I've learnt my lesson about IE/Mozilla
Vulnerabilities - you haven't caught anything. Housecall's telling you that you aren't patched. :tut:
Sorted cheers fella If anyones interested its cause i was using Sygate/windows firewall at the same time and didnt recieve the updates/patches when they were available.