ur welcome.............what ya changing ya name too? i wanna change mine too............am sick of ppl thinking i'm a bloke when i ain't......
i 4gots bout that...... :chill: still wanna change me name tho cos i don't like being called rufus..........:evil: & i'm sick of telling ppl who have just met to call me ruth - poor johntystar!!!
what u mean..........the rumours aren't true..... .....u don't pee up lamp posts? is ya broadband sorted?
LMAO, i do pee against lamp posts though... did it once, and the pee got in the electrics and the light blew with a big bang shat myself then aye ta broadband is sorted, just waiting for line to be activated then its no more HMV for cds for me ever again
lmao @ the fact u really did pee up a lamp post........... & i'm glad ya broadband is sorted........i'm jealous tho cos i can't get speedy internet access cos i live out in the stix!!!