myspace anyone know if you can change the order your friends are in? i've got so many friends i want all the people i talk to, to be on the first page
You can have up to 24 in your "top friends" might be more actually. When you go to the "change top friends" bit theres a drop down box at the top of the page which lets you select how many you want.
You might be able to help me with this one aswell Chris... how the hell do I get an events bit??? I'm probably being a nacker but can't find it anywhere.
You need to have a music profile (with the bar of red links across the top), the normal one doesn't let you post shows. I think you can email the admin there to change it, but I don't know how long it'll take them to do it. Sometimes the easiest thing to do is start a new profile (click on the music link, then artist signup), then just add everyone again, piss on but probably quicker than getting someone to change it for you.
You could just click 'manage calendar' next to your picture when you log in to your home page. You can put dtes, locations, name of event etc in there