my pc can anyone see anything odd in the following that might explain why my pc is running so slowly???
i haven't got the fastest pc admitedly but when i have to wait for the sttart menu to fly up i start to get VERY pissed off... it seems the higher the version of windows i go the more shit seems to be running in the background! grrr. and this still hasnt gone away either...
mcsheild.exe looks like some anti virus program - macafe ? If so - uninstall it then run spybot/adaware to get rid of any other guff. The only virus scanner you ever need is trend housecall (online website / browser thingie) other anti virus shit just slows everything down. You've got alot of other crap on there that looks wierd aswell. probably bogging things down
yeh ive got mcaffee firewall and virus shield... run adaware all the time only ever get tracking cookies... where do i get this housecall thing from and what does it do differently? know what you mean about the crap - i dont install trash like this either just stick to the basics so ive no idea where 'magickey' etc has appeared from.. pisses me off no end... thanks mark
i think housecall is on ? or something along those lines. its just a website that you visit when you feel you need scanning for viruses - so you only really need to visit it when you've installed something that feels like it might be fecking your pc up or something - the best thing is that it only runs while your visiting the site, and as soon as you leave it - its not sitting around taking up resources and slowing your pc down etc. Running ad aware or spybot might clean up the other stuff on there which could be slowing you down aswell - the stuff that does that is usually stuff like that. try googling for all the stuff to find it. happy to help
what are the minimum processes from that list that i need open to run my pc as normal? oh and should i keep my firewall? i think that is what mcshield refers to... cheers
for a firewall - i would use windows firewall (if you using windows xp) or something like blackice or zonealarm (google for them) your processes look normal apart from: mcshield.exe cpd.exe avsynmnger.exe magickey.exe rulaunch.exe vshwin.exe EM_EXEC.exe E_SOBIC1.exe CMGrdan.exe VSstat.exe all of those are processes i wouldnt expect to see on a "clean" system - of course some of them might be stuff you put on deliberately, but if you cant track them down - they are probably not supposed to be on there.
got rid of virus scan- i never really used it anyway... thanks this is what it looks like now... should messenger really be using that much memory :spangled: god knows where thos other things have come from..