My New Mix: 'Nobody Listens to Techno...' Made a new mix cd the other day, its mainly Progressive all the way through with a touch of Tech-House. Anyone who wants a copy send me your address either as a pm or e-mail me at And this time I promise that everyone who wants one will actually get one. Sorry to anyone who didn't get one last time.
Re: My New Mix: 'Nobody Listens to Techno...' good cd m8, second last mix let's it down. the rest is mint
Yeah, thought that myself. Thought I'd still send a few out though, it'll take me ages to get round to doing it again.
it's good m8, it's happened to me before get all the way to the end of a seamless set and the last mix goes for a shit :evil: not to worry though that CD won you a set at a pressure night next month
gareth is this the c.d. that yvonnes managed to get her mitts on? if so what i've heard of it so far is canny!!!
Hi m8, I made you one yeaterday. will give you it the next time I see you. Give that guys e-mail addy again so I sort a few things out