My new flyers what do you folks think, I am having the deck removed from both sides. I am aware the day does not match the date, also the venue has changed. well ?
Not bad mate, just recovering from a very rough weekend, think it'll take a quite a while. Think I just need me own bed.
Nice, the back is far better than the front - its ashame they're displayed the other way round good flyer though.
was going to recommend the obvious like bleeds and stuff, but as you've already had stuff printed before u'll already know Your actual flyers fine though... doesn't need any davice only slight quible is some of the text is hard to read... the white text against the lighter background and flare behind the static makes some text hard to read... but thats only a minor quible makes no real difference.
never got involved in all that stuff, I just gave them the design and hey presto. This is a good design, do you think the finshed product may not look like this ?
just made a slight emendment... depends how good your printer is - some printers lose colours and it never comes out the same colour as your screen - a screen isn't true colour. sometimes say a light yellow can be almost impossible to read. when dealing with garphics its best to leave a bleed (of say 4mm) a bleed just means your picture is that little bit bigger, so that when the flyer is cut your not left with a white border (the image is cut instead). how many flyers you getting done and for how much - I may be able to get you them cheaper
5000 for £170ish I believe, my m8 does flyers for loads on places about town. He's gonna get them done, I have a few other printers to check with but it's a mail order job. If you could find out a price I'll buy you a drink next time I'm out