My mam even This isn't a dig at promise alone, although this is the main one. My mam knows nothing about clubs really, shes a well educated woman. I was taking to her about how we dont go clubbing so much these days as theres not enough variety. Her comment, coming from someone who doesnt know a great deal was, " I noticed that everytime i drive past the billboard type things the names always seem to be the same only rotated from week to week" i will be pleased to see this all new promise, might be the only form of hibernation from charva's now that they've taken over quality! Looking forward to travelling around a lot next year, loads more clubs to see out there!
The "charvas" havent taken over quality at all. Havin just as much of a good time and adding to the atmosphere as everyone else! As someone said before they add more of an atmosphre than the "cool kids" who stand about and pose, pick faults with everyone else and moan!! There is enuff variaty to keep the punters coming back for more every other week The clubs well full just about all the time... Things arent bad at the minute - as mark said tho - they will get better in the new on the current success....everyones a winner!
i think the music has really picked up this year trance wise, and hopefully this will start to reflect in the clubs too!!i havn't been able to afford as much clubbing this year but when i finish my degree i will be away again!! the techno bandwagon seems to have slowed a little trance will come good again!
Good stuff mate!! Look forward to hearin it! Had me rest n me break so am raring to get back!!! Promise next fri - then hanger 13 on the sat if u fancy it?
I agree, alot of pure trance DJ's seem to be experimenting alot more with the tunes they're playing, producers seem to be doing the same, its all good. I think this will happen even more next year I hope it does anyway!
amateur productions are getting bigger and bigger, and with clubs like passion etc giving young djs a chance to play on a regular basis then the current producers and djs aren't being allowed to rest on their laurels so the standard can only go up!!! hopefully if the music keeps sounding better then people will come back to the clubs to hear the tunes, and massive djs who charge a fourtune and don't perform will stop being booked!it will once again be about the music not the dj!!!then everyone is happy!
the best is!!! just amde a new cd and found i was very limited as i only have one cdj so was forced to play some vinyl that wasn't my first choice to fit in there!
That happens to me too, I think I might invest in another CD deck after I've got Xmas out of the way Would make things a bit better.
The last 2 times i've been to quality and the last 2 times i've been to Promise I have honestly noticed a steady rise in charvers. It's good for Promise's funding but by heck I hate them. I've seen some nasty pieces of work knocking around. My mate who went on the haloween night for his first time said to me just a couple of hours ago 'for a club spoken so highly of it's got a hell of alot of charvers'. I really don't think they add to the atmosphere. Alot of them are either un friendly, or just a typical couldn't give a fuck attitude type person who isn't really enjoying the night, but is just there probably due to boredome of, or even being kicked out of Ikon. I can stand so many charvers in a club, but not too many. They outweight the good atmosphere us lot and other clubbers create, and I'm not talking about cybers - just decent people which most of us lot on here seem to be out of everyone i've met. I hate charvers.
Some chaver put his arm round me neck last Friday and shouted ''fucking come on'' in my ear! My reply was fuck off!!! He smelled of wee
I don't mind them if they aint causing trouble or owt tho, if they're bringing money into the club thats fine by me.
one on friday turned to me, said 'move' i figured he wanted to be past. i moved. he then proceeded to step into the spot i was in and stand there. i just about bit my tongue because he was a big fucker.
How do you define charvas in promise/quality mate? The ppl that wear stripey jumpers etc....? Some of em are arrogant arseholes..yeah...but then again so are some of the "normal" people in there... Everything you say about the charvas applies also to the "normal" clubbers - some of them are arrogant arseholes n look like twats... Sorry to single u out like fella but Ive never had any bother with em in promise/quality - if u dont like look of em stay outta their way...but most to me seem to be loving it!!!
On the night Picotto was on there were a few members of the Henry Lloyd crew out which I was a bit dubious about at first. Don't know why because they seemed to be enjoying it as much as everyone else. Had one of them come up to me and shake my hand for no reason. Its not really charvers who spoil my night, its people with attitude!