My finger I have one finger which goes cold for no reason? Its my left index one ...does anyone know why this may be? My hands are warn but this one finger is freezing!
When I like put my hand behind my head when Im on the sofa Im getting really bad pins and needles which I never used to you think its connected? Why would I have bad circulation?
It doesnt go blue just happens to like my nose or certain fingers or toes....but like when im in a warm house not when Im cold or anything!
Don't worry, it isn't really serious. I've got it - it just basically means that your hands and feet go reeeeeeeeeally cold sometimes (and look dead, which is gross.) It's just a bit annoying sometimes that's all But yeah a Doctor would need to diagnose it. Could be anaemia or something instead
When you have an attack, try to stay calm. Gently rewarm your fingers and toes as soon as you can, using the following strategies. The sooner you respond, the easier it will be to restore circulation and the less chance of damage there will be. Just one prolonged instance of Raynaud's syndrome can lead to tissue death, gangrene, and possibly a need for amputation; consider each attack an emergency and respond immediately. Try motion first (because you can do this instantly and perhaps avert the need for further measures), then moist heat. Always be prepared with a variety of rewarming strategies appropriate to the different environments in which you spend your time. * Place your hands under your armpits or between your legs. :laugh: Cup your hands to your mouth and breathe into them. Have someone hold your hands (but not rub them, which can cause damage). * Wiggle your fingers or toes. * Move or walk around to improve circulation. * Do "windmills" by twirling your arms around in the air in large circles until circulation returns. If you're worried about drawing attention in public, go into a restroom. Caution: Do not do `windmills' if you have damaged vessels due to scleroderma. * Run warm (not hot) water over the affected part until normal color returns--remember that moist heat is better than dry heat. * Do not clap your hands together or rub them vigorously, which might damage blood vessels. * Do not overheat your hands. Overheating can shut down blood vessels and prolong the attack.
it's probably cause its cold jess, all the blood and warmth in your body will be going towards the centre of the body where the organs and stuff need it
HMM, never heard of that before! while were on this topic, this lad i kno dropped a 22gallon keg on his thumb and ripped it off
I have this in both hands, best go to the docs and get it checked out. My Doctor thought it was Raynauds but i had tests and it turns out i have RSI. Get some warm gloves!