My Dream by Doggie ok ok, its a bit of a shitty post really, cos i bet all you lot were expecting some really deep, analyitical dream, and sorry to dissapoint all those execting a half decent story, I suggest you read the Metro Newspaper or something, but... Last night, for a change i hadnt had a smoke before going to sleep, and I had the weirdest dream, that involved quiote a few Promise peeps, some of whom i ve never met before. I cant remember too well about the dream, but there was def a fair few of you in there... But the one thing i do remember was sharing a joint with Rufus!!?? I ve never even met you... Seems Rufus is the centre of attention at the moment
u are, u just dont know it yet nah, i have mental dreams... im gonna hi-jack this n turn it into a free for all about dreams? come on then people, mad dreams u have had? i'll continue it on... however this dream is VERY mad, so read on at your own peril :spangled: I dreamt that i was at promise... it all seemed fairly normal, having a good night - nothing out of the ordinary. then all of a sudden damian (who i dont know that well to be fair) started chasing me around promise with this little gun thing... and it was all a bit of fun, but then it all went nasty, (i can't remember perfectly clearly but we argued about something, i think he wanted to shoot amy or something and i wouldnt let him :spangled: ) so now he really wanted to shoot me, but (and this is a big but) he only wanted to shoot ONE FINGER off. :spangled: so there i was, being chased around promise by someone who wants to shoot one finger off :spangled: told ya it was mental scared the shit outta me to be fair. :groovy: