Re: My Computer I give up on my desktop and just bought another one lastnight, one bad mo fo this PC. Dunno why I did tbh cos I hardly ever use it anyway
Re: My Computer You can do a search in windows for files greater than a certain size, it should show if oyu've got any stupidly big files you could get rid of/burn to cd etc.
Try the free 'Disk Usage Analyser" if you want to see what is taking up your HD space.
are you like fucking wired into the matrix or something? why would any one person spend so much money on goods that are constantly being superseeded?
Re: My Computer Dunno but my comp cant complete a defrag either just stops and keeps restarting never actually completes?!
Do what most ppl do back up the stuff ya need on CD flatten comp reinstall O/S no need for defrag then haha
Re: Re: My Computer defrag does that when something is written on the drive, re-start computer in safe mode and run defrag. This will do it a lot quicker
Re: Re: My Computer Take it you're using win98 still? Either do it in safe mode as kid says, or use ctrl-alt-delete and close everything apart from explorer and systray, then run defrag.