My brother is a banging dj but he is only 15 who does he get noticed in the club land My bro is 15 at school but he is a wicked dj he loves his hard trance and hard house. He has been on the decks for 2 years and he has just got a pair of 1210'smrk 2 with a pioneer djm 500 mixer he is loving it but wants to take his talent further does any1 know any1 or any dj companys
dj competition @ sunday trading
start small talk to local promoters like sunday trading, vuzz... small nights like these give quality local talent the chance to play livce... However he will have to be seriously good to get a giig even @ this level... although they're smaller clubs the quality is very high. He shouldd put out as many tapes of himself as possible... the more tapes in circulation the more cvhance of the right ears hearing it. He should also try seeing who all similar sounding dj's are signed to then send a tape out 2 all these labels He should also send tapes to all local promoters however big or small.. The key to taking it to the next level is getting his sound out...
get him to send out as many promo CD's as he can to different clubs and club nights. There's a Gatecrasher night every Friday at Bed in Sheffield which is just for young talent.
can't see why not, best asking in that thread though and hopefully someone in the know will be able to clarify it for u.
he can play in clubs just not drink when he's there to get noticed he need to have a decent looking cd, promoters arent interested in tapes, the cd shold have a nice cover and track listing etc, thats whats gonna grab a promoters attention, of course when they listen to the cd the mixing has to be good... also if u can get track markers put it at the beginning of each mix the promoter can skip through listening to the mixing. try n get him gigs in pubs/bars/underage events, then in the cover of his cd list his djing cv.
Mightn't be allowed. Licensing laws etc. Some pubs allow minors in before 9pm only but I'm not sure if they have to serve food though.
Theres a DJ Competition from 15y/o onwards at a place called Dougied Tavern, the winner gets three or four paid gigs with opportunities of a residency, try getting in touch with them, there at Hebburn
best thing is to to try and work on his CV. CD's are great but for getting promoters to really listen and book you, there has to be a strong word of mouth there beforehand. The amount of mixes they get mean that there are tons that simply don't get listened to. There's believed to be currently 50,000 bedroom DJ's out there right now so don't expect anyone to just discover you. Best way is do your own parties, that way you can build your own crowd and not try and make yourself fit to someone else's. Plus you're far more likely to get booked if the promoter knows you have a fan base. Either that or produce your own tracks. DJ comps can be patchy, but they're always worth a go. Muzik magazine's Bedroom Bedlam is still the one with the biggest profile comps (international readership!) and is always worth a try. It helped me no end with getting an agent and gigs abroad and a couple of residencies. Which always looks impressive in a DJ biography when you're up against little johnny, live from his mam's house
only thing I'd quibke with @ 15 its hard to finance your own night. However theres a few dj's on here that throw their own parties... try and get in with them.