Music production courses Does anyone know any local part time music production courses for computer based production? I can't find any that are part time. Cheers
Re: Music production courses gateshead college. im sure they do some. Why do you want to do part time? you'd benefit much more by doing a full-time course
I work full time, so would only be able to do a part time course. Will check out gateshead college. Cheers
I'm doing a foundation Degree in Music Production at newcastle college, it teaches you how to use logic etc but if your wanting time to sit n make tunes all day i'd choose another course, it's based mostly around recording bands etc.
What programs would you recommend using? Mainly intersted in producing some house and electro, but am a complete beginer. Some people have said acid pro, others fruity loops?? Help
Think fruityloops is good for a beginner, and it supports VSTs unlike Reason. Get yourself a couple of aftermarket VSTs such as albino, atmosphere, etc. Alex will be able to advise you on that, he makes house, I make trance. Have a search through the technology forum there's some stuff about starting production.
basically for electro house, you need z3ta!!! a good sidechaining compression the waves one is good by tc electronics. The new massive is good too, by NI. I use cubase, its the boy imo, but only cause it works like i want to, other prgrams are just as good.
just altering volume isn't really what sidechaining is, you don't get as much suck if you just automate the volume.
Tbh i would just go for the best packages. forget about messing on with beginner stuff. thats exactly what you will do on a course anyway. Logic pro 7 comes with enough stuff to keep you going for ages, it has everything you need, cubase is basically the same just made for pc's (obviously there is differences, but they do exactly the same thing but using different steps). You could get reason 3 but after long your probably gona want to use some other vsts. you dont need a keyboard, or a controller. for now a dedent cmputer and a program are all your gona need cos everything you make will probably be loops of different sounds (you will do this wether you like it or not, its just one of those things that happen. Hope that helps
Agree, automating the volume is nothing like sidechaining, especially since there is more than just the pumping in and out sound that can be done by sudechaining