Murder sentence changes Its a touchy subject but in my opinion sentences should vary more on the situation than they already do. Links in that article touch on domestic violence and most recently the kids that murdered Jamie Bulgar were announced to have new identitys etc. Im not sure where i heard this (and im not sure if its true!) but apparently racially motivated murderers recieve longer sentences than non - racially motivated? Whats the difference? A cold blooded killing is a cold blooded killing and should hold the same sentences imo. I cant really see the difference personally. Whats everyones thoughts on this?
the longest sentences for those who plead innocence since some of those actually will BE more likely to be innocent seems a bit unfair. In general it should be left to the judge who has heard all the facts and not to politicians who are just trying to prove how 'tough on crime' they are by setting minimum sentences
Judges only apply the law, not make it. You have to have a seperation of power between government and the judiciary, otherwise it would be anarchy, with absolutely no consistency.
i think thats wrong. why should they deserve more lenient sentences? they've still murdered someone! i can see how they are trying to use it as a way of people coming forward, but realistically, how many people actually will? i know the fuckers that have put jays best friend in a coma last night wont come forward :evil: i hope he pulls round coz its looking pretty bleak
Well you might aswell plead your innocence and try your luck because you only get a couple of years knocked off. Confessing at earliest opportunity - 10 years Pleading guilty at trial - 11 years and three months Changing plea to guilty - 13 years and six months Maintaining innocence - 15 years
what a nightmare suppose you really are innocent and you are faced with that choice? I don't think thats right at all. If you're convicted of murder the judge should sentence you according to the crime, not how you pleaded. It's just being done to try to save courts time and that can't be right in something as serious as murder
some of the lads from his barracks went out for a few drinks, and got talking to some lads. then when they left the club, a fight started between them, none of them wanted to fight back though, coz they get done off the army if they're caught fighting. anyway, one of the lads got hit, then when he was on the floor they stamped all over his head he hasnt come back round since turns out they've fractured his skull in 6places, he's got internal bleeding and has now got a clot on his brain. he's in the operating theatre now. i hope he's ok :hug: his odds are only 60/40
i know the whole of the lefthandside of his brain is black. he was due out of the operating 2hours ago aswell, but is still in i hope he's ok
the police were there, but done fuck all about it. they wudnt even call an ambulance turns out there isnt any cameras outside the club but there is in the foyer, so hopefully a couple of the lads will be able to identify them. but whether they can find them is another thing. they were polish muslims apparently they've took the lads clothes for forensics etc so just gota hope something comes of it now
i'm sure! he's just come out of theatre now(3hours late) and he's in recovery so hopefully he'll be ok