MTV Dance Get in MTV dance is on 24/7 they should of done this ages ago keeps peeps occupied. oooo and sasha has been on and is givin away a prize to design a video for his new tune off his album the winner gets loads of stuff including the video being made into the real thing for the tune. could be interestin.
me just been watching it too! saw sasha doing his lil speech about his new album, but do ya fink he was a lil fuct? he was swaying all ova the place...........eyes rolling a lil, he just looked like he coudnt concentrate? his new album ne good? not keen on him, but is it ok?
which reminds me, wot happened 2 rapture?? it came on again, then it went off again rapture was class n all
think it didnt regester on peeps digital and it cost them loads of cash to get it bak on and it didnt work so they have no money again or so i read.
yeah rapture was class, especially the live brodcasts they used 2 do, like from gatecrasher nec etc. Does anyone know what happened to it???
i had mtv dance on last nite for an hr or so... lasgo followed by flip n fill ian van dahl milk inc marc aurel came on tho.. made up for it... as for rapture... its cumin bk in sept so ive read!! (wud b cool if they did a broadcast from the telewest on the 28th.... then our 'rents can see what we get up 2
Not a good idea. It would probably lead to my death, which i hoped i would'nt see for another few years. :groovy:
Rapture tried to come back but was only doin test shows to see wat reaction they got. Word on the street is the tests failed and its been axed.
point proven ta dexta but yeah the live broadcasts were fukin class but romour has it MTV are gettin into that shit soon thats why dance has been put on 24/7.
Its still there if u search for it in 'other channels'. It's not showing anything tho, just the Rapture logo.