MSN Virus Watch out for this fucker. My lass has got it. Sends a message to everyone in your contact list telling them you have pictures of you and them, then it sends a .zip file with an executable file in it which infects the recipients computer with the same virus. I know youve gotta be pretty daft to open random .exe files but just be careful. Its fucked my lasses laptop right up.
aiii, never fall into them traps me like. most em just flood ya tho, no immediately big problem like.
I'd like to correct you both, the msn virus actually offers to send pictures of a toddler, which is a whole world of difference I'm sure you'll agree. It looks like you've been hit by an SPDD - a Selective Paedophile Disengaging Device.
think there's more than one variation on the theme though rossy. My mum and brother had one of these a few months back, which kept sending me messages asking me to download pictures of them looking hot... thought that was a bit of an odd thing for my mum and brother to be sending me. Didn't open it.
i got infected by stephen, it wasnt the nonce variation il have u know its the look at me in me photobucket bullshit apologies.x.x.x.x.