msn hackers!!! WFT!!! I currently use msn 6 where you can change the background and lil pic, I have only created one background which i always use and it is a pic of van buuren- just before i signed in and the background was set to default- so i went to change it to the pic of van buuren- but found the pic of van buuren wasnt there and has been replaced with a photo of Karl51 and i didnt even have that photo of Karl on my pc!!! Whats going on???:spangled:
No Karl was not au naturel Lee!! It was a pic of him where he has half his hair shaven and bleach blonde.
sounds like a case of the l33t hax0rz incidently, whoever the cuprit was.....i would apreciate it if you could tell me how to do that ps ... ....What Fuck The!!! fuck the what? ps, do a virus may have been a trojan that allowed that to happen!