mp gets involved Anne Winterton has told a joke bout the chinese cockle pickers on morcombe bay!!! see here...
she has got to go after this espcecially after the last incident when she told the joke about the cuban, japanese & englishmen on a train...
its down to her constituents now from what i could gather- but she has been essentially fired by howard...
probably the same one which about 6 people told me in foundation, i was abit worse for wear though and cant really remember it
i got a text the other day naming them (obviously a play on chinese names etc). was quite funny, terrible tragedy of course.
It was just that one about 2 sharks getting sick of seafood, so deciding to go to morecambe bay for a chinese. Was just on ITVnews, they didn't actually say the joke, just enough of it so you could tell.
i know both of them she has told.... the most recent was... two sharks were circling round the atlantic & one says to the other 'i'm sick of eating tuna'. the other replies 'fancy going over to morcambe for a chinese?' the other one she told wasn't any better... an englishman, a cuban, a japanese man & a pakistani were on a train.. the cuban threw a havana cigar out of the window. asked why he replied 'they're 10 a penny in my country' the japanese man threw a nikon camera out of the carraige saying 'these are 10 a penny in my country' the englishman picked up the pakistani & threw him out saying 'these are 10 a penny in my country' she should not be allowed to work in governemnt **sorry if this offends anyone it is not intended to, i am writing what she said!!**