Motivational tunes for my i of the pod??? Anyone got any good suggestions for motivaltional tunes for my ipod for my running tomorrow? Preferably ones that will make me laugh inside. I am already hunting down "eye of the tiger" but you get the picture....
I like to run to hard trance and stuff lol. It has a pretty constant pace in the mix so i just run in time with it
I've never done it before and i think the goodie bag was shit...t-shirt, medal, cereal bar, geobar, bottle of lucozade sport, silver sheet, and too many shitty leaflets (bastard waste of trees) I did 2h 16....and had the same problem as you, too many slow coaches And the women with the Ice pops were legendary, got me through the last 3 miles that icepop did!
Thats a mint time considering you hadnt trained for 4 weeks, not sure where I lost you like just looked back and you weren't there. I was hoping to get under 2 hours and managed 1:57 so totally buzzing. Desperately want to do it next year and get an even better time. Also, I nearly choked to death on a chocolate biscuit in the second off last mile
You lost me around the 5 or 6 mile marker....i reckon if i had maintained that pace throughout the run i probably would have been When the race finished i was told that richie's dad was picking me up 400m from the i walked 400m, nowhere to be seen....spent the next 2hrs walking round looking for him, even walked into town centre. I even borrowed a policemans mobile to ring richie's dad, but all the mobile networks were down. I was giving up so i sat in the reunion area thinking they might come and look for me there. And something clicked, 400m in the opposite direction!!! Walked down to the 400m marker, and there was another car park with a big white motor home in it!!!! AH, i nearly cried i was so glad to see them.....2hrs late and an extra 3-4 mile walked!!!! I was cream crackered!!! I am joining the running club though and so i am going to get in stacks of training before the next one.....definately doing it again though!! Oh you'll get a green number next year!!!
Nightmare! I was looking out for the campervan but couldnt see it either. I had a total speed burst between 5-9 miles then died on my arse between 9-12. My knees are fucking killing at the minute. I'll pop round tonight with your sponsor money if one of yous is in??
ha ha yes i'll be in, i aint going anywhere....i'm walking like i've had a hip replacement and my knees are wrecked too. I was canny knackered at 3 miles but then at about 6 miles i had a new lease off life which died at 10 miles but then i walked to 11 mile marker after that i was back to full fitness but running on the outside of my feet cos it felt like i had MASSIVE blisters on the insides and also running with a stylish limp. But i did the last 2 miles the fastest i think. And felt fine at the finish. I reckon i could have done it without walking now that i think about it i should have just slowed down, but its hard to throw water all over yourself when you running, or even drink it for thet matter. But it was a painstakingly enjoyable experience!!! Oh guess what, Craig reckons he wants to do it next year!!!
well done guys i was wrecked jjjust watching it on tv(with a hang ova) my mates pal ended up in hospital had constent cramp in his legs dont think he out yet like