Mothers Day Who invented this then? Did some national retailers consortium get together and invent it, so they could all make a bit more money out of us? Well anyway it exists so il have to go buy something. Im contemplating getting off my ass now and goin down to Safeway to buy some flowers. Alternatively im thinking il just nick em from a neighbours garden.
Flowers are shit, be original Went to Lush today, bought my Mam three of those mad things that you put in the bath and they fizz. Then I spent some money on myself, and went back to Lush and bought her soem more stuff. Awww, aint I nice
Im a crap present buyer though. I have no imagination whatsoever. So flowers it is. I always try to think of something and make a concious effort not to just buy the "standard few" gifts. But then i cant think of anything so i just end up buying the usual stuff. Warning to females - if u go out with me, expect crap presents. But im otherwise quite a nice guy.
my mam doesn't eat chocolate (sill woman) she's allergic to most of those scented things & she wants flowers!!!
i give my mam £15, cause she goes to bingo with her mates on saturday, she had to work 4 it like, my dad made me work for my 26th, so i thought fuck it u can work 4 yor mothers day present like. i wasnt going to give her one cause its commersialised like, she wasnt having any of that bolloxs like.
i dont think mothers day was a card company creation like fathers day and grandparents day. Mothers day goes a lot furthur bcak and i think it has somehting to do with the church.
i bought my mam loads of stuff from lush too, i have a lush obsession, and i spend loads of money there every week.....admiting the problem is the first step to fixing it tho
Felt like a bit of a tit walkin in at first tbh, then saw it full of blokes buying for their mums lol. Just walked round, smelled some stuff, bought it. Sorted.
Exactly hun!!!!, just got me mam a bunch of flowers, a card and a bottle of baileys!!!.........she was well happy!!!!
Bought some smellys from bodyshop and a t-shirt from united colours of beneton!!!!!!!!!!!! Are isnt I sweet!!!!!!:angel: :angel: :angel: thats how it shud work...if ur babtised christian, buy ur mum sum flowers. if not, tell her its a christian thing and seeing as ur not, ur spending the money getting off ur tits.
I gave my Gran a Big bag full of cuddly toys, smellies and a nice photo frame from me and me lass. She started to cry. It was lush. I love my gran to bits!!!!! I got me mam flowers aswell!!!!