Most Haunted Just watching this now on Living TV and by fuck is it scary!! Has anyone seen this programme? Or even had a ghost experience? I personally have never had experience of one but would probs shit myself if I did
There was a pretty good prog on sky the other wk called the worlds scariest ghosts caught on tape - that was scary!! Like a woman who complained about ghosts in her house so they sent these two 'ghostbusters' in, they went up in to her attic & after about two mins one of them screamed.. he climbed back down (lookin like he'd literally seen a ghost, white as a sheet, eyes like saucers etc) and he had something tied round his neck. The other bloke who was up there with him took a couple of photos the second he screamed and something was trying to hang him from the rafters in the roof!!! scary shit
When my mam was younger she used to stay at her gran & grandads house every weekend, this one weekend her grandad was in hospital having some tests done or something and she was asleep on a sofa bed in the dining room when the phone rang in the middle of the night. She answered it and it was the hospital, they asked her to wake her gran up as they needed to speak to her. She woke her gran up and as her gran got to the phone it rang..... it was the hospital for her... saying her grandad had died - my mam had never answered it in the first place she'd dreamt it!! She to this day believes it was her grandad that made her wake her gran up.. how do you explain something like that??
yea watched this last night. was a good episode. i watch this all the tym tho. but it was by far 1 of the best iv seen. as for the question about any1 having an experience. when i was younger, about 14. we had to have a vicar come and bless our house. ther was scary stuff happenin all the tym! i luv owt like that tho.
yeah - I watch this programme all the time - it's wicked! The first series was best....the coolest bits are when they capture 'orbs' on camera.....anyone see that hotel in Dudley? Where the chair moved on its own? SCARY STUFF!
was that wiv the lockd off cam? in that room, where the chair n bed moved?? n im a bit sceptic about the orbs, i mean they could be anythin. in the dark, wiv light reflecting off dust ect. would look, like that on cam.
I can't believe anyone actually watches this. It's the most staged, fake program on the telly. That Derek Acora bloke is just an old con man- I can't believe anyone would pay to go see him but there's people at my work that do everytime he does his tour!!
My lass has just bought tix to go and see him, what a tosser he is. She wont let me go because she knows I'll take the piss.
My lass has just bought tix to go and see him, what a tosser he is. She wont let me go because she knows I'll take the piss.
You're right about him being a charlatan like Jus, my lass wont slap him, her and her sis think he is great. I'm not such a fan, when most haunted is on I go on the decks for a bit so it aint a bad deal
i did a double take when i saw top of the tops ... but there ain't any more recent pics with his new 'jimmy' style hair and unshaven complexion