Mos Areet fella!!! Can just about remember seeing you on friday :spangled: you out for marco v ? get the old gang out b4 hand ? Mick, rach etcc are all in attendance
i TRUELY didn't know who u were TILL you lifted your head up! i was like "DDDAAANNNN II LLOOVVEEE YYOOOUUU" i'm 75% out i think, i've got the 'provisional' pass sorted for the time being PLUS NYD i've got to save for
shit. i remember now, creeping up on ya. sorry mate! i'm not out NYD as at work the next day so marco v is my last big blow out of the year
Re: Mos I wont be out til later on cos Im going out for my old works xmas party thing! Probs bout half 9. Im out form 6pm like :spangled: :drunk: Oh dear. Some of them might be coming as well
i say we meet in 55 @ 7, then revolution, union rooms, coco v and camp david. ending up at digital for about 10:30 ? 55, revolution and union rooms for the old skool factor