Morning ..... Morning All howz everyone this morning...... Busy day today for me gunna go down the college to enroll for a buissness management & Interior Design Course also job hunting as well .
Re: Morning ..... Morning mate doing good today got alot on and I'll hopefully be finishing early too.
Re: Re: Morning ..... alrite mate what ya been gettin up 2 ... was nice seein ya @ GG btw hope ya doin well u down for next one or btw just curious have i ever met mish c off GG board
Fino don't do business management mate, i think English language should be your 1st port of call I don't mean that in a nasty way either
shit with ellego made me look like a fuckin idiot spread loadz shit about stuff that shouldnt been put on the board . she was liein out her ass well most it she was . me & mike G was just ripping her and she couldnt take it so she had to come out with loadz shit that no one wanted to know but it made me look like a idiot and tryin 2 make out i was 2 blame for the end her realationship and i was a pysco & what ever esle . she fuckin head fuck she talks out her ass ' she hates been wrong when she knows she is. lives in her own little world she does she a fuckin pysco 33 year old woman that acts 16 trys to turn ppl against each other. she nothing but a 2 faced ' liein over the top ' wingeing pysco that hates 2 bee wrong and think shes rite all the time needs to get a life she does. if have the people that know her knew what she has cause how much she talks out her ass and twisted thinks the soon tell a fuck off .
I don't!! If i was going to be nasty i would have said: "LMAO you're enrolling in business management and you can't fucking spell, you have very little grasp of when to use punctutation and you're grammer is horrendous" But i didn't :upyours:
Trance DJ smashed her windows while her kids were in the house, because she was having an arguement her her fella.
Re: Re: Re: Morning ..... Just work mate and looking at getting a new car nothing too exciting. Wont be there for the next GG we are having a party at my parents I think, not sure if you have met Michelle although most people that have usually remember her
that one part it which i admit am in wrong for but if everyone knew what happen and what said leadin up 2 it and loadz shit she caused and what ever esle pass months before then people would understand & think different . am sorry for smashin for kids sake but been sorry 2 elle never fuckin will. she causes to much shit and talks 2 much ov it.