More attempted bombings This time its in Birmingham Birmingham centre evacuated Thousands of people have been forced to leave Birmingham city centre after a security alert. West Midlands police say they received intelligence suggesting a threat to the area. Parts of the city centre including Broad Street have been evacuated. Police aren't allowing drivers past the city's inner ring road. Assistant Chief Constable of West Midlands Police, Stuart Hyde, has told reporters they're not connecting the alert with the London bombings. A number of controlled explosions have been carried out.
there were security problems at manchester piccadilly yesterday... were gonna see this for a while now, cant take anything for granted.
i got to get the tube next week to get to kings cross my trian is at 9 as well gonna be shitting my pants
I was supposed to be on the circle line going to kings cross yesterday ... thought id give it a miss tho
is birmingham where silverstone is..?!?! my mam n dad are there 2day 4 the racing n i'm total worried cos theres been a security alert xxxx
phew thanks darlin!! i've been up all night having nightmares about these bombings, my brother gets the tube to his uni down there from kings cross every day he was on holiday when it happened on thursday tho but hes goin back there in 2 weeks god the fucking bastards i just wish they would stop its just the most frightening thing in the world
I think we'll have a few more instances of this. It's easy to put the frighteners on people after an incedent such as happened last week. Terrorists play on people's fears and whilst something like the London bombs is still fresh in the mind a few false scares can do a lot more damage and unsettle the population. I wouldn't be surprised if Leeds or Manchester was next...
when i flew back here on sunday all the london flights were delayed, the gatwick ones by 9 hours+ ! security was loads tighter too, i had to take my belt off cos it had a metal buckle an then hold my arms out to get searched... while my pants were falling down cos i had no belt on. gutted.
They've removed all the bins from the Metro system up here. I'm going down to London this thursday and I'm not looking forward to it to say the least
they did that in leeds years ago... think they have 'special' ones now cos the litter prob was stupid.
my gf got the train back home from newcastle to leeds on sunday night and at leeds train station there was loads of armed policemen doing searches etc. seems extreme at first but its gota be done. everythings gona be up in the air the next few weeks but hopefully it'll all calm down soon. i'm glad i dont have to use main line trains or anything though, feel sorry for the people that do