Monitor Im in desperate need of a monitor... any one got a spare one i can steal/buy?? answers on a pm
if you actually left your room nowadays thomas, ur monitor wudnt be funked... the pile of crusty kleenex must be blocking that doorway mind... :laugh:
spare monitor I have a spare BOSE knocking around, 8 inch mid driver, 2 ince bass port and two tweeters. Will bosh out bout 100W with a good amp. slightly damaged case but doesn't affect cabinet or sound quality. £50, bargain at twice the price! Call 07866429297
I think my sister has one that she doesn't use, you could probably borrow that for a bit. Dunno how you would get it tho, I live miles away!
am i the only one u forgot to tell that ud dumped me? ur just sat their having a fucking laugh at me with all ur stupid little friends. 'ha ha...that bitch thinks i still love her...its fucking hilarious...i can treat her like shit and she'll still love me' well fuck off martin! i cant help loving you...why cudnt u jsut tell me u didnt want me nemore instead of making a public humiliation of me?
Love is all around, it's everywhere you go........................ get over it can move in with me and our patsy.ooooooooooh watching chick is all around
Heather these english boys sound like complete as holes you are probably better off without them judging by the pic of kid he is not all that anyway Leave them to getting there hair dyed in town they are sound like closet boys to me
can i just ask how getting your hair dyed means you love the cock? if that is the case i have quite a hard decision to make...