when at uni i dont mind mondays, but since starting my placement, i fucking hate them with a passion! tuesdays arent far behind either, the weeks ok from weds onwards aint it?
MONDAYS TUESDAYS WEDNESDAYS = shit = crappy 9 o clock lectures!! haha not any more it easter hols. get in.
true, cos while im working i live 4 my weekends a lot more. if everyday was a weekend, what is there to build up to and look forward to eh?? still hate mondays though!
I don't mind Mondays, then again I don't do Mon-Fri job. That helps me live for everyday rather than just the weekend. I hate Wednesdays with a passion though. Thats slave labour day at Marks&Sparks. Wednesday nights are good. I play footy.
Quite like mondays myself....get to go to the pub and watch the darts...(just realised how sad that sounded)........its a right laugh tho...
Monday's dont normally bother me all that much the way i see it is its one day closer to the next wkend Today however was another story i absolutely hated it today i was soooooo tired at work
don’t even start, I was so tired, I went into a natural k hole, serious, where u re just awake to know ure awake, but nothing really functions properly, u try to get on with work, try for about 10 mins, realise that you cant cos you have no idea what u re doing, then u come round and go for a wander to wake yourself up. and thinkin about it, its probs the same effect as takin k isnt it… with k bein an anesthetic...
Same here. I've hated today. Just want it to be over. I've f'in locked myself out of my flat. I'm playing 5 a side at 5pm and my lass doesn't get home til 5:30pm. Looks like I'm going to have to play in my underwear like school teachers would make you do if you forget your PE kit.
ha ha i was exactly the same in work today, i was staring into the wall for ages, and would mumble something to my manager and totally forget mid-sentence what it was i was talkin about. i only jut got sleep last night from friday and it has totally taken its toll....well worth it tho! think i might head to my bed just now and catch a few hrs sleep.
i love mondays, mondays are the days when neither me or daniel are at work. so we go into town, go tune shopping, i try my hardest to buy as many new clothes as possible, then we come to mine, and :chill: or go somewhere nice and do something. last monday we went to jesmond dene and had a walk through pets corner and sat on the grass, it was dead nice!! i dont mind any days to be honest, i even enjoy going to work!!